European Committee on Non Ionizing Radiation Risk ECNRR Dose limits for exposure to 4G and 5G radiofrequency cellphones, cellphone towers and other sources including proposed 5G.

The Annual and Daily Dose limits in Nrad and Nrep for cumulative exposures to Non Ionising radiations in the 2Gz and proposed 5G radiations were published today by the ECNRR. These limits for adults and children have been decided following an initial publication in December 2018 and a consultation period of 3 months. The rapid increase in Radiofrequency (RF) radiations in the environment and the proposed major increases associated with 5-G rollout in the near future represent a serious and unaddressed public health hazard. Citizens are exposed to radiations which have been now shown by hundreds of scientific studies to cause biological damage potentially resulting in cancer and developmental issues. This is a Human Rights  and Public Health issue and has now been addressed though the quantification of cumulative absorbed doses based on the Nrad or Non ionising radiation absorbed dose equal to 1kJ per kg of tissue. For radiations above 2GHz a weighting factor is applied based on the frequency of the radiation to provide the unit Nrep or Non Ionising Radiation Equivalent Person. Details are found in the Publication:

ECRR Non-Ionizing Radiation Risk Committee Exposure Limits for 4G and 5G range radiofrequency radiation.

Prof Christopher Busby, Scientific Secretary of the ECNRR presents the new report at: REPORT NEW