New Nuclear workers study results represent a legal game changer for nuclear power, propulsion and weapons

The latest and largest study of nuclear workers published in the British Medical Journal in June of this year (1) must be a shocking revelation to the scientists and politicians who believe that nuclear power and radioactive exposures have been well understood and modelled, and that the laws regulating radiation exposures are safe. The research [...]

By |2023-09-05T19:04:12+00:00September 5th, 2023|NEWS|0 Comments

The Hiroshima A-Bomb black rain and the Lifespan Study; a resolution of the enigma

Low Level Radiation Campaign; 8th Sept 2021 1000GMT PRESS RELEASE IMMEDIATEBritish Scientist discovers the cause of cancer in the Hiroshima Black Rain survivorsMassive errors in the basis of legal controls on radiation exposures In a peer-reviewed paper published by the respectable journal Cancer Investigations ,British Scientist Dr Christopher Busby reveales the results of his investigative research [...]

By |2022-12-04T07:46:08+00:00September 7th, 2021|NEWS|0 Comments

ECNRR Dose limits for exposure to 4G and 5G radiofrequency cellphones, cellphone towers and other sources including proposed 5G.

European Committee on Non Ionizing Radiation Risk ECNRR Dose limits for exposure to 4G and 5G radiofrequency cellphones, cellphone towers and other sources including proposed 5G. The Annual and Daily Dose limits in Nrad and Nrep for cumulative exposures to Non Ionising radiations in the 2Gz and proposed 5G radiations were published today by [...]

By |2022-12-04T07:46:02+00:00June 10th, 2019|NEWS|2 Comments

Cancer, George Monbiot and Nuclear Weapons Test Fallout

George Monbiot, who has now been diagnosed with prostate cancer at the young age of 55, was therefore born in 1963, at the peak of the atmospheric test fallout. He is thus a peak exposed (at risk) member of a cohort of those exposed in the womb to the fallout (1959-63) and currently suffering the [...]

By |2022-12-04T07:46:01+00:00March 23rd, 2018|NEWS|1 Comment

Explanation of Child leukemia both near High Voltage Powerlines and near Nuclear Sites

In a new paper published today in the peer review journal Pediatric Dimensions, Prof. Busby presents the explanation for the increased rates of child leukemia found in those children living within 200m of high voltage powerlines []. There is a strong statistical correlation between the trend in time of excess child leukemia rates and the [...]

By |2022-12-04T07:45:58+00:00December 7th, 2017|NEWS, PAPERS|0 Comments

Dumping radioactive mud near Cardiff: new report.

Dr Busby was asked by individuals in Wales to comment on the proposals by the French nuclear company to dredge up 300,000 tons of radioactive mud from the sea bed near Hinkley Point nuclear power station in Somerset, England, and dump it in the Bristol Channel 2.8km from the Welsh Capital, Cardiff. Dr Busby has [...]

By |2022-12-04T07:45:56+00:00December 3rd, 2017|NEWS|1 Comment

Prof Busby gives evidence to government at Westminster on behalf of stakeholder NGOs

On 12th September Chris Busby was invited to a government (Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy BEIS) organised meeting at Church House, Westminster, next door to the Houses of Parliament. He was appointed by the nuclear stakeholder NGOs to list and outline the evidence showing that the current radiation risk model was unsafe and [...]

By |2022-12-04T07:45:53+00:00October 1st, 2017|NEWS|0 Comments

Prof Busby addresses the Swedish Environmental Court

Prof Busby addresses the Swedish Environmental Court On 8th September Prof Chris Busby travelled to Stockholm to make a presentation of evidence to the 8 judges of the Swedish Nacka Environmental Court. He was provided with a translator and gave a 90 minute outline of the legal reasons, under European Law, why the proposed high [...]

By |2022-12-04T07:45:52+00:00September 26th, 2017|NEWS|0 Comments

Failure of governments to protect babies and children in Europe from radioactive pollution

In a new paper Child health and ionizing radiation: Science, Politics and European Law published in the Peer Review Journal Pediatric Dimensions, [LINK 1] Professor Busby discusses the failure of EU State authorities to carry out their legal responsibilities to change the law relating to legal limits of exposures to radioactivity. The Law in [...]

By |2022-12-04T07:45:51+00:00August 14th, 2017|NEWS|1 Comment


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