In a new paper Child health and ionizing radiation: Science, Politics and European Law published in the Peer Review Journal Pediatric Dimensions, [LINK 1] Professor Busby discusses the failure of EU State authorities to carry out their legal responsibilities to change the law relating to legal limits of exposures to radioactivity. The Law in Europe is the Euratom Basic Safety Standards Directive of 1996, which has a clause in it which requires governments to take into consideration new scientific evidence. The new evidence which has emerged from the Chernobyl accident shows that the radioactive pollutants have caused sharp rises in congenital malformations in populations of all countries where studies were carried out. This has resulted in increases in infant deaths in areas where such radioactive contamination exists [LINK 2]. These findings, which were reported in more than 20 studies by many scientists in several countries show clearly that the present law is unsafe and must be changed. However, attempts by scientists and individuals in Sweden, the UK, Ireland, France, Denmark and Germany to require State authorities in the several countries have been blocked or ignored. The scientific evidence, reviewed in a 2016 peer reviewed study [LINK 2] is indisputable and unequivocal.  Professor Busby will present this evidence to the Swedish Environmental Court in Stockholm on September 7th when he argues that the Forsmark high level nuclear waste repository cannot be permitted. Busby concludes, in the paper: It is clearly unacceptable for any Society to permit processes which create contamination that causes illness or death in its citizens.

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